Cosmetic Surgery & Dentistry Home or Abroad

Linda Briggs


Linda Briggs Cosmetic Surgery & Dentistry

Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery
Minimally invasive treatments
from a specialist working in both London and Zagreb, Croatia


Treatments include:-

Botox  |  Dermal Fillers  |   Obagi  |  non surgical eyebags  |  nose  |  facelifts

London Prices   |   Zagreb Prices

The doctor, with many years experience in minimally invasive treatments has been named the best doctor in the UK for both eyebags and botox in the past


Operating theatre in Zagreb

Also offered in Zagreb, Croatia
Vaser lipo with a Plastic surgeon having 10 years experience with liposuction.  Have a consultation in London for Vaser.  Before and after pictures for Vaser lipo
.  Modern well equipped operating theatre.

Waiting room

Modern waiting room


Terms& conditions

Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 8 December 2020