Linda Briggs

Cosmetic Surgery & Dentistry Home or Abroad



Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery Newsletters

   Newsletter from Linda Briggs - April 2012

A new addition to the web site is a doctor offering hormone balancing.  You need to look into this if you are having trouble losing wei ght, losing hair, have dry skin or just plain out of sorts.  
See here

A very interesting subject that I should have looked into years ago.

    A new member of staff

Harlee Scott
is the latest member of staff and is our Product Development Manager.  She will be locating new products for our web site.   If you have a product you would like us to stock, please let Harlee know about it by emailing
......... .............  She has already added the shop to face book.

Harlee has some interesting new ideas, so watch facebook for special offers and discounts for valued customers and competitions coming up soon


Our Miss Cosmetic Surgery competition is going to be postponed for a while.   We have some interesting news about the event coming and will update you all very soon.
     Media requests

Two requests this month from TV companies.  Click the links to read more.  
Firecracker Films
  |  Maverick TV

Don't forget about our journalists who are always looking for interesting stories for magazine features


Consultations for
Paris and Tunisia are monthly in London by GMC specialist registered surgeon.

Cosmetic surgeon who worked in the UK, GMC registered, consults in London from time to time for surgery in
Lahore.  Ask Linda for more details

GMC registered, facial specialist from
Brugge, Belgium visits Harley Street regularly.  Please ask for his next date.

Surgeons from
Brussels are now in London most weeks.  Also a Paris surgeon who works in both Paris and Brussels
visits twice monthly.  All GMC registered.

Dublin now has regular consultations for dentistry.

Email or telephone me if you would like a consultation


Very best wishes



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Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 22 May 2019