Most people need between
5 and 8 treatments
although this varies
depending on the density
and location of the hair
growth and Linda has found
that some people are happy
with 3 treatments.
Blonde hair can be
removed, but it takes
longer to notice that it
is working. Those having
had electrolysis before
Plasmalite treatment will
be convinced that they
have more hair after the
first treatment. This is a
direct result of the
electrolysis slowing down
the hair growth and it not
being in the right
condition to be killed at
the first treatment.
The experience of having
hair removal treatment
with this system, is at
the worst, like a bee
sting but it is generally
free from discomfort. The
machine can be set to take
into account the colour
and thickness of the hair
and also skin type. All
skin types can be treated
with Plasmalite.
There are some rules that
have to be followed if you
want a good result from
the treatment. The hair
must not have been treated
with waxing, bleaching or
electrolysis for at least
six weeks before removal
treatment. It's best to
just leave the hair but
shave it regularly if
necessary. It must be 1mm
long at the time of
treatment. Do not treat
the hair other than by
shaving after the
treatment or you will have
wasted your money. Skin
must be kept moisturised
and covered with an SFP
cream, before, during and
after treatments.
To get the best from this
treatment follow the