Linda Briggs

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Linda Briggs Cosmetic Surgery Advice
Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery Press releases



December 2010

While there are many excellent surgeons and hospitals in the UK providing
cosmetic surgery you may also wish to venture out of the UK when considering having tummy tucks, boob jobs, dentistry or any other type of surgery to enhance your appearance.  You might want to consider plastic surgery abroad and if so Turkey offers some great opportunities for first class hospitals and surgeons.

Turkey for cosmetic surgery

There are many companies offering
plastic surgery packages abroad who focus not just on finding you the very best Doctors, hospitals and medical advice, but who focus more on offering gimmicks such as recuperating on the beach following surgery.  Linda Briggs knows this is not what the majority of individuals searching for cosmetic surgery abroad want.  When you take the advice of Ms. Briggs you get great value for money, cosmetic surgery reviews and access to experienced plastic surgeons in clean and modern hospitals.

Ms. Briggs is not only one of the UKs leading independent advisors on procedures such as
boob jobs, tummy tucks and dentistry abroad, she can also offer advice on almost any type of surgery, medical checks and hair restoration abroad.

One of the most important aspects following any type of
plastic surgery is the healing process.  With this in mind you will not get incentives that you cannot use when you book your plastic surgery abroad through us.  We do not offer you a tour of Turkey following your surgery, nor do we offer you spa days, trips to the beach, or indeed any other form of recreation that could possibly hinder and slow down your healing progress.  We do however offer you help with all your travel arrangements, including flights for yourself and your family.  We can confirm your surgery date and arrange flights around this date, so you arrive the day before the scheduled surgery takes place.  We offer help by way of cosmetic surgery reviews, the types of surgery you might choose and the places you might choose to have your procedure.


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Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 18 July 2019