Cosmetic Surgery & Dentistry Home or Abroad

Linda Briggs


Linda Briggs Plastic Surgery & Dentistry UK & abroad
Medical notes for surgery - for you to print and use.


Medical History


Title:        Mr       Mrs        Miss       Other




First Name(s):.............................................





Postcode:  ........................................




Home Phone:..............................

Business Phone:.......................








The questions below can be applied to hair removal, photo rejuvenation, laser treatments and surgery.   They may not all apply in your particular circumstances.

Date of Birth:



Have you a history of or suffer from any of the following? (Please Tick)



If yes, give a brief outline on additional sheet






General health problems/ diabetes /asthma/liver/kidney disease/epilepsy



Blood Disorders/ Haemophilia/HIV/Hepatitis/ Septicaemia



Coronary/Pacemaker/Blood Pressure Conditions



History of bleeding, coagulation or clotting disorders



Do you use of anti-coagulants



Skin Diseases



Skin Disorders – Melasma, Vitiligo, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Inflammatory Skin Conditions



Skin pigmentary conditions, hyperpigmentation, moles, pigmented nevaii



Cuts and Abrasions in treatment area



Herpes/Cold Sores



History of Keloid scarring



History of skin cancer



Use of photosensitive medication



Use of Glycolic or Retinal products – topical






Steroids – topical and oral



Roaccutane use within last 12 months



Pregnant/Planning Pregnancy



Contraceptive Pill



Systemic disorders



Hormonal disturbances









Please tick if you have experienced any of the following:



Skin bruises easily



Light stimulated diseases – lupus, solar urticaria, epilepsy



Use of citrus aromatherapy products



Suffer from depression / anxiety



Semi-permanent make-up



Do you smoke



Allergies – medication, anaesthetic, general etc



Are you taking any herbal preparations?  i.e St. John’s Wort, etc



Do you wear contact lenses?



Are you or have you been under the Doctors care within the last 6 months?



Have you had any recent operations within the last 6 months?



Have you been on antibiotics within the last month?



Medical referral required prior to treatment?






General state of health



Current Medications (inc aspirin)



Do you regularly consume alcohol?



Do you use chemical sun tanning lotions?



Are you planning a holiday in the sun?



When were you last exposed to the sun (including tanning booth)?



Skin condition ( to include dry, fragile etc )



Anything else the surgeon should be made aware of?






PATIENT’S SIGNATURE.......................................................











Terms& conditions

Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 16 Noveber 2020