Cosmetic Surgery & Dentistry Home or Abroad

Linda Briggs

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Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery gone wrong.  What do you do now?


Jocelyn Wildenstein before and after pictures of her cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery gone wrong.  What do you do now?

So you get home and instead of being happy and content with your new cosmetic surgery, you have a problem. What do you do?

It really depends on what the cosmetic surgery is and what has gone wrong, but in all cases, the first person to contact is the cosmetic surgeon who did your cosmetic surgery.
Do not ignore problems, because it could turn into something more serious.
Don't worry if they think you are being picky, its better to be safe than sorry and any good cosmetic surgeon will try to put your mind at rest.

Before any complaint can be made about the results, the healing has to have finished.  This can take 6 months depending on the procedure.  No healing wil l be finished before 3 months.

Infections.  If you have an infection, its generally nothing the cosmetic surgeon has done that could cause it, but you must advise him, so he can prescribe antibiotics and check on your healing.  If you went overseas for cosmetic surgery and your cosmetic surgeon is not in a position to give you a prescription, then he may advise that you go to your own GP.

Most GPs will not have a problem with this, but with the state of the NHS at the moment, you might get some flack for having had private surgery and gone overseas for it.  Don't be fobbed off, you don't want it getting any worse and having to go to A&E.

One breast is different to the other or one side of my tummy tuck is different.  Things need to settle down before you can really see if there is any difference in the breasts, arms, legs, side of face etc.  The cosmetic surgeon may have had to do more work on one side than the other and it could be taking longer for the swelling to go down.  Most cosmetic surgeons will advise that you need to leave things to settle down for 6 months before the final result can be seen.  If things are still lopsided, then the cosmetic surgeon should agree to a re-do for you.  In the majority of cases, it will be necessary to pay all hospital fees for any corrections, but the cosmetic surgeon's fee is generally free.  Also take into account the cost of getting back to your cosmetic surgeon, if he was abroad.

Expectations.  So, the end result was not what you expected.  You need to ask yourself if you were being realistic in the first place, or did the cosmetic surgeon do something completely different to what you asked?

Discuss it with the cosmetic surgeon and see what he says.  The problem is that we have an idea in our own mind, but the cosmetic surgeon might be on a different planet altogether when it comes to trends, fashions or who the film star is whose nose you want.

If the end result is not what you want, but the cosmetic surgery itself is not at fault, i.e. the cosmrtic surgeon did some good work, but you just don't like it, then you have to talk to the cosmetic surgeon and see if he can do what you want and see if you can agree to a re-do at a discounted price.

Its just bad work, he nearly killed me.   This is something completely different and comes into the category of medical negligence.  It is really difficult to prove medical negligence, so the first thing you need to do, is get a second opinion from another cosmetic surgeon, who is willing to put his name to a report to say in his opinion is this "cosmetic surgery gone wrong".  It will cost you a consultation fee and if he agrees, a report fee.

You then might be able to get the original cosmetic surgeon to agree to correct the problem if he knows that you are willing to take matters further.  If you have lost all confidence in the original cosmetic surgeon, ask him to appoint another cosmetic surgeon to carry out the cosmetic surgery on his behalf.

If the cosmetic surgeon is at fault and he can see that, then he will probably try to find a solution or agree a one off payment to settle the matter.  Most cases are settled out of court as this is cheaper for all concerned and is not registered with the GMC as an action against the cosmetic surgeon (if he is registered with them)

If you have got to this stage and still making no progress, what can you do now?  You need a solicitor, but first think if it would be cheaper to pay for corrective cosmetic surgery yourself and avoid the years of legal action that could ensue and walk away, or do you need to sue in order to be able to afford cosmetic surgery, or to claim enough money to cover for your losses and/or disfigurement.

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Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 16 Noveber 2020